Albino Pearl Stingray


Albino Pearl Stingray

The Albino Pearl Stingray is a rare and captivating freshwater species admired by aquatic enthusiasts for its unique coloration and graceful movement. With its striking white or pinkish body, often dotted with lighter pearl-like markings, this stingray is a living work of art that adds a touch of elegance to any aquarium. Despite its beauty, the Albino Pearl Stingray requires meticulous care to thrive, demanding pristine water conditions and a diet rich in variety to maintain its health and distinct coloration.

The Albino Pearl Stingray is a type of freshwater stingray that is found in the rivers and streams of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and Malaysia. Its scientific name is Potamotrygon leopoldi and it belongs to the family Potamotrygonidae. This species was first discovered in 1996 by German ichthyologist { Albino Pearl Stingray}